Friday 28 November 2008

1940s bus 10.11.08

The history reps went on a 1940s bus.The minute we got on the bus we were in the 1940s. We were split into groups. We went to the top of the bus first.At the top of the bus a man told us about his life in the war. After that we had a look around and we saw the outline of London burning. We also saw some old magizines. Suddenly with out a warning a siron sounded an a alarm. We had to go into a small passge way and into a dark shelter wich was made of sandbags and corrugated iron.Once we had finished at the top of the bus it was are turn to go down stairs. Downstairs was a living room. It had old fashiond furniture and a real 1940s newspaper and a gramaphone was playing in the background.
by Thomas and Lorna